We provide tailored, professional and cost-effective comprehensive event management

Our 65 years of combined experience in events large and small, can bring your concept to life. We can assist with every element. We are passionate about delivering premium, rewarding, and safe events to all; guests, crew, and artistes alike. We are very aware of the importance of cost planning and budgeting. We offer unique concept costing through to qualified procurement and approved contractor tendering to ensure legitimate cost control.

Our services include but are not limited to...

  • Initial Event Concept Planning and Budgeting
  • Location and Venue Searches
  • Event CAD Plans from concept to multi-layer plans for Licencing, Production and Stage builds
  • Event Management Plan (EMP) production and collation
  • Procurement Scheduling
  • Build, Event and Strike Programming
  • Artiste Liaison including Travel and Accommodation scheduling
  • Touring Support including Practice and Studio Space
  • Noise Plans
  • Traffic Plans
  • Security Plans including Close Protection and VIP
  • SAG, Local Authority, Police, Customs and Consular Attendance and continued Liaison

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to offer a no obligation consultation to discuss your project in detail.