Since our first 'gigs' while still
at school in the late 80's we have worked with thousands of live acts and
events. Over the years we have worked with numerous touring events, music,
theatre, corporate, motorsport and education.
Touring can be extremely hard work, if a tour is
not meticulously prepared it can be devastatingly lonely. Proper planning is
not simply good business practice, it is morally essential to secure the proper
physical and emotional wellbeing of all parties involved.
We have relationships with an extensive list of nationwide studios and practice facilities for tour rehearsal and laydown.
A properly managed
tour is a truly memorable and rewarding experience. A poorly planned tour is
hell on earth!
Our services include but are not limited to...
Xio Live Limited - Bespoke Event Management, Licensing , Health and Safety and Touring Support
Registered Office - Xio Live Limited, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London. WC1N3AX Email Telephone 0208 432 7326